Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center: Judit Temesvary, Board of Governors, DC

Join us in our upcoming Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center organized by Professor Agbeyegbe, Hunter College & Graduate Center.

A lecture by:
Judit Temesvary, Board of Governors, DC
“The Currency Dimension of the Bank Lending Channel in International Monetary Transmission”
(joint paper with Elöd Takáts)

We investigate how the use of a currency transmits monetary policy shocks in the global banking system. We use newly available unique data on the bilateral cross-border lending flows of 27 BIS-reporting lending banking systems to over 50 borrowing countries, broken down by currency denomination (USD, EUR and JPY). We have three main findings. First, monetary shocks in a currency significantly affect cross-border lending flows in that currency, even when neither the lending banking system nor the borrowing country uses that currency as their own. Second, this transmission works mainly through lending to non-banks. Third, this currency dimension of the bank lending channel works similarly across the three currencies suggesting that the cross-border bank lending channel of liquidity shock transmission may not be unique to lending in USD.

Paper available here.

Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Time: 12:00pm-1:45pm

Location: 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Room: 5383

Travel Directions to The Graduate Center:
By Subway: B, D, F, N, R, or Q to 34th Street-Herald Square; walk east to 5th Avenue 6 to 33rd Street.
By Bus: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M16, M34, Q32.

Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center: Belinda Archibong

Join us in our upcoming Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center organized by Professor Agbeyegbe, Hunter College & Graduate Center.

A lecture by:
Professor Belinda Archibong, Barnard College, Columbia University
“Where Local Kings Rule: Long-Term Impacts of Precolonial Institutions and Geography on Access to Public Infrastructure Services in Nigeria”


Although previous works have discussed the benefits of precolonial centralization for development in Africa, the findings and the mechanisms provided do not explain the heterogeneity in access to public services of formerly centralized states. Using new survey data from Nigeria, I find a significant negative effect of centralization on access to certain public services in centralized regions whose leaders failed to comply with the autocratic federal regime, and whose jurisdictions were subsequently punished by under investment in these services, with lasting impacts till today. The results are robust to extensive controls and instrumenting for precolonial centralization with an ecological diversity index.

Paper available here.

Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Time: 12:00pm-1:45pm

Location: 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Room: 5383

Travel Directions to The Graduate Center:
By Subway: B, D, F, N, R, or Q to 34th Street-Herald Square; walk east to 5th Avenue 6 to 33rd Street.
By Bus: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M16, M34, Q32.

Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center: Juliana Freire

Join us in our upcoming Applied Economics Seminar at the Graduate Center organized by Professor Agbeyegbe, Hunter College & Graduate Center.

A lecture by:
Juliana Freire, New York University
“Data Polygamy: The Many-Many Relationships among Urban Spatio-Temporal Data Sets” (joint work with Fernando Chirigati, Harish Doraiswamy and Theodoros Damoulas)


The increasing ability to collect data from urban environments, coupled with a push towards openness by governments, has resulted in the availability of numerous spatio-temporal datasets covering diverse aspects of a city.
Discovering relationships between these data sets can produce new insights by enabling domain experts to not only test but also generate hypotheses. However, discovering these relationships is difficult. First, a relationship between two data sets may occur only at certain locations and/or time periods. Second, the sheer number and size of the data sets, coupled with the diverse spatial and temporal scales at which the data is available, presents computational challenges on all fronts, from indexing and querying to analyzing them. Finally, it is nontrivial to differentiate between meaningful and spurious relationships.
To address these challenges, we propose Data Polygamy, a scalable topology-based framework that allows users to query for statistically significant relationships between spatio-temporal data sets. We have performed an experimental evaluation using over 300 spatial-temporal urban data sets which shows that our approach is scalable and effective at identifying interesting relationships.

Paper available here.
Author’s website here.

Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Time: 12:00pm-1:45pm

Location: 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Room: 5383

Travel Directions to The Graduate Center:
By Subway: B, D, F, N, R, or Q to 34th Street-Herald Square; walk east to 5th Avenue 6 to 33rd Street.
By Bus: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M16, M34, Q32.