Gain an informed perspective on the post-election landscape from leading thinkers on politics, economics, and international affairs.
What Now? The Roots of the Present Economic Crisis and the Way Forward
Robert Brenner (visiting professor of economics, New School University) has written widely on the early development of capitalism and the current economic crisis. His many books include The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy.
David Harvey (distinguished professor, the Graduate Center) is one of the world’s most cited social scientists. He is the author of many books, including the recent The Ways of the World and Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism.
Presented with the Advanced Research Collaborative; the Center for Place, Culture and Politics; and the Center for the Humanities.
When/Where: Thursday, December 1 / 7:00 pm / Elebash Recital Hall
The End of the World as We Know It?
The Global Rise of National Populisms
Branko Milanovic, a GC professor and senior scholar at the Stone Center, studies income inequality in individual countries, globally, and among pre-industrial societies. His most recent book is Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization.
Marla Stone, a professor of history at Occidental College, focuses on 20th-century Europe with a specialization in modern Italy and genocide studies. Her most recent book is The Fascist Revolution in Italy.
Richard Wolin is distinguished professor of history, political science, and comparative literature at the GC. His many books include The Seduction of Unreason: The Intellectual Romance with Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism.
Moderated by John Torpey, director of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies.
FREE; RSVP TO: [email protected]
Presented by the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies and the European Union Studies Center. Co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish Studies and the Dankwart Rustow Fund.
When/Where: Thursday, December 8 / 6:00 pm / Skylight Room